
8 Sept. 2023, 8:30-16:00

Genome-resolved metagenomics internal workshop

Antton will be organising a whole-day workshop about genome-resolved metagenomics on the 8th of September, Friday. It will be an intensive session introducing key concepts, procedures and resources for reconstructing and annotation prokaryotic genomes from metagenomic mixtures, quantifying their presence in metagenomic samples, estimating multiple diversity metrics (including phylogenetic and functional features), result visualisation and statistical modelling.
21 Sept. 2022, 16:30-19:00

BLOOM x IDA: Symbiosens tidsalder

Vi lever i symbiosens tidsalder.
En videnskabelig revolution er i gang i biologien, og det er bakterierne i vores maver og et virvar af forbindelser i naturens verden, der har sat den i gang. Forskningen er ved at gøre op med forestillingen om, at vi alene er biologiske individer, for hverken i naturen eller i vores egne kroppe er vi så selvtilstrækkelige og uafhængige, som vi går og tror. Vi er værter, der lever i symbiose med et væld af andre livsformer.
6 May 2021, 22:00

The Safety of Fermented Foods: Raw-milk vs. Pasteurized Cheese(s)

By bringing into view the artisan techniques of cheesemaking that can accomplish food safety on a par with (or may even exceed) pasteurization, Heather Paxton reframes cheese safety as a matter of holistic practice, not merely “clean” inputs. She will also reflect on the role and challenge of classification — how best to sort a limitless variety of cheese types into meaningful categories — for safety regulators, producers, retailers and consumers alike.
15 Apr. 2021, 19:00

The Neanderthal's Cookbook

Join Rob Dunn and Rebecca Wragg Sykes to learn some Neanderthal recipes! Sykes has recently published the best-selling book, Kindred considering the story of Neanderthals in light of her own research and new discoveries. Dunn, who has, along with Monica Sanchez, just published a new book about the evolution of flavor and its role in human evolution, Delicious, will talk to Sykes about the Neanderthal cooking, Neanderthal tastes and the extent to which Neanderthals had local culinary cultures. Sykes and Dunn close their conversation with a recipe for a Neanderthal-inspired mixed drink