PLANT MICROBIOME 2024.12.19 New study sheds light on the evolution of microbiomes in wild and domesticated plant A recent publication in Trends in Microbiology offers a comprehensive exploration of how plant…
Ancient maize 2024.12.09 Ancient maize genomes reveal the early evolutionary history of commercially important flint and dent varieties A study published in Cell uncovers the deep evolutionary roots of flint and dent maize, two…
Aquaculture 2024.11.28 Fermented seaweed found to boost gut health and immunity in Atlantic Salmon A new study has found that fermented sugar kelp can enhance gut health and immunity in Atlantic…
Hologenomics 2024.11.25 New insights into hologenomics research in wild vertebrates In a new technical paper just published in Methods in Ecology and Evolution, researchers highlight…
Holobiont biology 2024.11.15 New perspective on the interaction between host organisms and microbes can transform food production and medicine Danish researchers in an international network are investigating how the interaction between host…
Grant News 2024.10.24 New grant to explore how microbes drive evolution in host organisms A new research project seeks to investigate a critical question: Can microbes drive adaptive…
12 Dec. 2024, 18:15-20:00 Bakteriofagen - kursus på dansk Bakteriofagen - en vild virus, der kan redde os alle ved senior forsker Bent Petersen fra Center for Evolutionary Hologenomics.
10 Dec. 2024, 11:00 LinkedIn/Bluesky workshop After Trump won the US elections more and more people are fleeing from the platform formerly know as Twitter abandoning the scientific community there. So where does the scientific community go to?
13 Nov. - 27 Nov. 2024 Hologenomik - kursus på dansk "Hologenomik: Et nyt og revolutionerende forskningsfelt om dig og dine mikroorganismer" ved professor Tom Gilbert, lektor Morten Tønsberg Limborg og lektor Sandra Breum Andersen, alle fra Center for Evolutionary Hologenomics, Københavns Universitet.