The research aims to understand the effects of microbial interactions within, and among species, and between microbes and their hosts.
Studying the microbiota-gut-brain axis in animals. Focusing on how interactions between animals, associated microorganisms and environment shape behaviour.
Studying the molecular interactions between the microbiome domain and the respective host organisms using multi'omic methods.
Using statistical methods, population genetics and integrative multi-omics analyses to understand structure in biological data.
The group focuses on understanding phenotypic variation of plants using the holobiomic framework.
The focus of the Computational Biodiscovery group is artificial intelligence in life sciences and supercomputing.
Developing and applying statistical and computational methods to genomic data to solve challenges in population and medical genetics.
Applying the hologenomics concept to understand the role of microbionts in ecology and evolution of wild plants.
Exploring the mechanisms behind the generation, preservation, and loss of biodiversity.
Focuses on how Arctic Indigenous foods connect the health and well-being of Arctic Indigenous peoples and the Arctic environment among other things through microbes.
The plant palaeogenomics group focuses on reconstructing the evolutionary history of plants and their microbes throughout the domestication process using population genetics, comparative genomics and ancient DNA.