14 April 2020

Fermentology seminar series


a virtual mini-seminar series about the applied ecology, evolution and history of our cultured food.

Bread and cheese

Every week for the next few months you can listen to short virtual seminars about the culture, history and science behind the foods you have at home such as beer, cheese and sourdough.

The Department of Applied Ecology at North Carolina State University will host these short virtual talks about our cultured food and Rob Dunn who is a PI at Center for Evolutionary Hologenomics at GLOBE Institute is one of the speakers and people behind this new Fermentology 101 mini-seminar series.

Everyone is welcome to join the series of short talks (20 minutes on average). You can registrer to attend the virtual talks by filling in this form and you will be emailed a link to the talk the day before. 

First talk on Wild Sourdough

The first talk will be on Thursday the 16th of April and the topic will be wild sourdough. The researchers behind the Wild Sourdough Project will describe recent sourdough science discoveries and explain the key steps necessary to make a sourdough starter. 

The full program and description of each talk can be found on https://cals.ncsu.edu/applied-ecology/news/fermentology-mini-seminars/. 

A new talk every week

The talks will be hosted every week on Thursday at 4pm EST / 10 pm Danish time unless otherwise specified and the talks are open to everyone! The seminar series is scheduled to last until ultimo August 2020.

Each talk will be recorded and uploaded to the Applied Ecology Youtube page afterwards and you will also be able to find a short summary and the video at the Center for Evolutionary Hologenomics webpage the following Friday.

The project is sponsored by the Department of Applied Ecology at NC State University, the NC State University Libraries and the Center for Evolutionary Hologenomics at University of Copenhagen.