Seminar by Lucas Venegas

An informal Friday seminar by PhD student Lucas Venegas from University of Chile & Laval University (Canada). Lucas is visiting the Applied Hologenomics groups for three weeks until July 7th and will also attend our AHC conference, so there is time to meet and chat with him if you’re interested.
The title of his talk is:
“Genomic prediction of host resistance to sea lice (Caligus rogercresseyi) in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) using skin microbiome information”
Lucas is working on a super interesting project on developing methods to implement the microbiome in future models for genomic selection on crops or production animals. This is of high relevance to many of us doing hologenomics with an applied perspective.
You can get an idea about Lucas’ project aims from his nice short paper in Trends in Genetics:
I hope to see many of you there, but if you can’t make it Lucas will be around until July 7th and happy to meet and chat.
Best Morten Limborg