Seminar by Karen Robinson

Please join us for a seminar with Associate Professor Karen Robinson from University of Nottingham, United Kingdom.
Karen's research is focused on Helicobacter pylori, which is the main cause of stomach ulcers and gastric cancer. She is studying mucosal immunity and inflammation, T-cell subset responses (particularly regulatory T-cells and Th17), development of novel diagnostics, and gastric carcinogenesis. Karen explores how virulence factors (such as the cag pathogenicity island and duodenal ulcer promoting gene A) interact with host cells to provoke a more severe inflammatory response. Apart from associations with gastro-duodenal disease she is interested in the hygiene hypothesis and exploring the link between some infections (H. pylori and gastro-intestinal parasites) and a reduced risk of allergy and autoimmune disease. The work involves isolating and characterizing immune cells from human gastric tissues and peripheral blood.
The seminar will take place Tuesday the 14th at 15.00 at CSS 7.0.34 (Kommunehospitalet, Øster Farimagsgade 5, Building 7, ground floor, room 34).
Karen is also on the assessment committee for Sigri Kløve's defence on the 15th of November.