Science café: Peer Community In journals

We would like to invite you to the next edition of the Science Café, which will happen this week on Friday Nov 24th at 3pm in the Lunch Room (2nd floor, KH). For this session we will talk about Peer Community In journals ( We want it to be a group discussion, so have invited some people with experience publishing their papers through this system to start up the discussion.
What: Science Café is a space to get together, discuss science, bring up issues/announcements/celebrations, and occasionally run small tutorials and workshops. Importantly, also to have interaction between different groups and sections.
Who: Everyone is welcome!
When: (usually) last Friday of each month at 15:00h.
Where: Lunchroom in the 2nd floor at KH/CSS
We hope to see you there!
The Science Café team (Bárbara, Lennart, Jazmin and Claudia)