Performance workshop: Body and Mind

Body and Mind Performance Workshop with Nastja Arcel
Explore the art and craft of public speaking
Giving a personal presentation is a craft to mastered. That is where Nastja Arcel comes in.
Drawing from her background in theatre and rhetoric studies, Nastja Arcel knows how to bring out impactful speeches that engages an audience.
This workshop aim to provide you with the tools to gain control of your voice, body language, and nerves, which will heighten your presentation skills.
Everyone at CEH can join this 1 day performance workshop run by Danish/Greek trained actress Nastja Arcel in the beautiful old University library. The workshop is about improving your speaking and performance skills. E.g. how to better communicate using your voice, body etc.
9.00 We meet in the reception Krystalgade 25
9.00-12.00 First session with Nastja Arcel
12.00-13.00 Lunch – bring your own or buy at the canteen
13.00-15.30 Coffee followed by second session with Nastja Arcel
The maximum number of participants is 20 but there is still two spots left so hurry up and secure your spot by signing up here.