Postdoc in intestinal organoids

We are looking for a highly motivated and dynamic researcher for an extendable 2-year postdoctoral position, to work on generating intestinal organoids from different wild animals for gut-on-a-chip technology at the Center for Evolutionary Hologenomics (CEH).
The deadline to apply via this link is November 3rd 2022.
The start date is January 2nd 2023.
The CEH will soon start an innovative research line in which we will for the first time conduct comparative evolutionary research on animal-microbiota interactions using gut-on-a-chip technology. The objective of the project will be to generate intestinal organoids from wild animals belonging to multiple evolutionary lineages to create homologous gut-on-a-chip models, with which to study how reaction of animal tissues to microbial stimuli varies across evolutionary distinct species. The task of the postdoc will be to develop standardised protocols to generate the intestinal organoids and seed them in the gut-on-a-chip technology at the GlobeInstitute’s organoid lab, with the aid of a research assistant, international collaborators and organ emulation system company. The tasks will include preparing cell cultures and organoids from intestinal biopsies, preparings and conducting experiments on stretchable PDMS chips, and running a range of microscopy and molecular assays. The position will be working alongside the research group of Associate Professor Antton Alberdi and Assistant Professor Ostaizka Aizpurua, who lead the project. In this sense, we strive for an interactive environment where the postdoc will continuously interact with other laboratory researchers and other researchers experienced in the study of animal-microbiota interactions.