Internal Twitter/LinkedIn workshop

What: Internal workshop on Twitter and LinkedIn
When: Wednesday September 9th at 1-2pm
Where: 2. floor lunch room
Why: There is an increased recognition that science and science communication is gaining more and more engagement and reach on social media platforms in particular Twitter (international research environment) and LinkedIn (more national research environment).
Therefore my aim is to boost the reach and engagement of all of the amazing research and outreach you do at the Center platforms on Twitter (@evohologen) and LinkedIn (Center for Evolutionary Hologenomics).
Another way that I think we could increase our reach and engagement is by having more of you researchers and staff, including PhDs and postdocs on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Therefore, I would like to invite everyone interested in Twitter and/or LinkedIn to join me at this workshop where I will briefly present our social media strategy and assist with how to get on/ or get more active on Twitter and/or LinkedIn.
Best Christina Noer, communication responsible at CEH