CEH Seminar series with A. Murat Eren (Meren)

The Center for Evolutionary Hologenomics will start its seminar series by hosting A. Murat Eren (Meren) on Friday April 1st. Meren is scheduled to talk at 11:00 in CSS 2.0.63, going into details about the exciting research done at the Meren Lab. The seminar will also be available over Zoom - info below.
What does poop, massive amounts of data, ocean water, open accessible software and the mouth cavity have in common? They are all a subject study of Meren's team.
Meren is a computational biologist with deep roots in microbiology, leading the Meren Lab at the Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity at Oldenburg where Meren is also a professor. Meren Lab is an interdisciplinary team of scientists working at the edge of microbial ecology in a wide range of environments. More specifically, they develop computational tools for the analysis of large microbial datasets, one such tool is the popular microbial multiomics framework Anvio.
The Meren Lab has produced a number of very interesting research papers throughout the years ranging from ecological landscape of plasmids in the human gut, to the well known Tara Oceans project. Of the many papers they have published, the CEH Seminar Series Committee highly recommend this very interesting review on tRNA modifications in hosts as well as the microbiome.
Meren not only writes scientific papers, together with current and former members, the Meren Lab maintains an active an interesting Blog about their research and their views in science. The committee really encourage this great read about a past sampling trip Meren and company made to Hawaii. Here you will find that the Meren Lab is not only writing code all day, but also getting their hands dirty, or in this case, wet, and suffering a bad case of acid reflux along the way.
For those interested in meeting with Meren to talk about your own research, or any other topic, there are 30 min slots available throughout the day. Please send an email to julian.perez@sund.ku.dk if you would like a slot. (PhD students are highly encouraged to get a slot)
Zoom: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/63939681372?pwd=eXdMamJqaTVOaDVzRFJGek1CQWhaQT09
Meeting ID: 639 3968 1372
Passcode: 156526